I won a scholarship to go to FinCon for starting my blog Budget to Be Free. I was so excited. I didn’t know what to expect. Before coming I did read many other blogs about their reviews of previous FinCon conferences. I felt a little prepared, I got my cough drops, business cards, hand sanitizer and snacks to get through the day.
Day 1/Wednesday
Wednesday morning, we left 4am and drove down to Washington DC. It was about a 6-hour drive from Connecticut. We got to DC around 10:30am. Went to grab some breakfast and scroll through Marshalls and bought a notebook so I could take notes. Not realizing I could have gotten a few free one from different brands swag.
Walking into Hilton, I was welcomed with a nice display of balloons and Fincon displays. It looked very nice. I made my way downstairs to get my Badge and bag. I grabbed some pins to add to my badge. They have different ones such as, Blogger, Podcaster, You tuber, Free-lancer, Money nerds unite and different number to represent which Fincon is this for you. I looked around and immediately felt so scared.
I looked at the app and try to figure out where was first time orientation was located at.
I walked around and was excited, I saw Amanda Abella, I just chatted with her a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to say hi and introduced myself, but I got in my head and got so shy and walk away.
First Time Orientation-Must Go
I made my way to first time orientation. I so glad I got their early it was standing room only. Nick from Mapped Out Money gave us great tips. Then we are off to enjoy the conference. I will recommend going to this orientation, it very helpful on navigating the conference.
There is a lot going on. There are workshops, FinCon central where you meet with different brands, and community meetups. Everything overlaps, so you have to decide where do you want to use your time. I got overwhelm pretty quickly. I want to make the right decisions. I went to pick up my free T-shirt. Which was really cool they had 2 choices, V-neck or regular scoop. I love a good V-neck T-shirt.
I went to some workshops and met Nadia of Speaking of Cents, that I met in the FinCon Facebook group.
Kickoff Party
The Kickoff Party was at Smithsonian National museum of the American Indian. The scenery from the rooftop of the 5th floor was amazing. Also there was a donut wall. I did still feel like I didn’t belong for a little bit. I didn’t have someone to hang with. I left early because I was tired from a long day. I sat next to Tanja, from Our Next Life, one of the keynote speakers on Thursday morning. She was amazing and gave great advice.

Day 2/Thursday
Thursday, I arrived early since I stayed at a hotel about 25 min away to save money. But I wouldn’t recommend it. I would stay on location or near the area so at least you can drop off your bags or take a nap when you want it or take time for yourself.
The First Set of Keynotes
The first part of the keynote was by Tanja Hester of Our Next Life. She talked about being your authentic self. Which is really important to portray in our writing as content creators.
Ramit Seth’s of I will teach you to be Rich, talked about the importance having a point of view. He also had us talk to our neighbor about what we what we love spending money on. Then how would it look if you Spend 10x as much on that thing you love.
I love to spend money on travel. My experience if I spent 10x the money, would be my own personal plane, have someone taking my pictures and packing my clothes. Also pay for my family and friends to go also.
One of my favorite Workshops

The most impacting workshop I took on Thursday was Networking by Introverts: Building Authentic and High Impact relationships to Promote your platform. It was given by Jillian Johnsrud of Montana Money Adventures. It was standing room workshop. I didn’t feel alone in that class. Jillian passed out snacks which was really sweet of her.
She gave great tips and related it to the 5 love languages. I just wish this class was taught on Wednesday. But I learned a lot. If your introvert and Jillian is teaching, its next year Please go it. It will help so much.
Good End to a Good Day
I had my mentoring meeting with Deanna of Ms. Fiology which is now Recovering Women’s Wealth. Deanna was very helpful and knowledgeable. She even gave me a list of goals to work on which I appreciate.

That night they had played the Documentary Playing with FIRE. It follows the journey of a couple trying to become Financial Independent and Retire Early. It was a good movie. If it shows in your local movie theater, you should watch it, its very eye opening. I just learned about the movement and very intrigued.
Day 3/Friday

Another Great workshop was with Nicole Walters and Mara Meinhofer. Talking about Brands and Influencers make a sweet team. I have been following Nicole since Periscope days. I was so excited to meet her. I got to the workshop early and glad I did because the room was very small, which I was shock because she has a big following. I said hi to her and she gave a big hug. Also, I got a picture with her. She so down to earth and bubbly. She gave a lot of great information during that session.
Friday night was the 10th Annual Plutus Awards. It was very fun. Learn about new blogs, podcast, youtubers I never heard before. It was great to see Sandy Smith of Yes I am cheap, won 3 awards after she called herself the Susan Lucci of the Plutus Awards with 19 nominations and no win. Congratulations to all the winners.

Instead of going to the after party for Plutus Awards, I chatted with Alanna of Financialdemics and Monica of Purse Strings. Had a great conversation. Love the question that Monica asked What are your dreams? She stated money is a tool but what are your dreams? A very good question that I never really think about.
Day 4/Saturday
Wow 3 days went by so fast. But I was feeling tired by Saturday.
Took 2 Great workshops that days. The first one was called 24 strategies to Create Sticky Content. It was by Adam Fortuna of Minafi. It was great information and talented. You must check out his interactive periodic table of Fire on his site.
The second workshop I took that was great was How to go from Popular to Profitable by Tai and Talaat of His and Her Money. It was a wealth of information and relateable.
The second keynote
Sharon Epperson, told her story about having a brain aneurysm. But how she was prepared because she had disability insurance and had her payments on automatic payments. She made a joke that at least her children had WIFI while she was in the hospital. She had a living will also. Sharon reminder us to not just write about being prepared but to take the actions because you never know when you will need it.
I missed the other speaker Cat Alford.
Closing up My Final Day
I went out to dinner with a friend, Lynda in a group I am in called Be Free Circle. We had great conversation and food at the Sweet Water Tavern. Good food and service.

I didn’t make it to the closing party. I was kinda tired.
Final Thoughts
My Overall experience was good. I was overwhelmed and shy at times. But I am proud of the few connections I did make. I met a few people I have been looking up too in the personal finance space.
I learn about brands and freelance opportunities. I know there so much importance about building relationships. This community is awesome.
Next year I will be more prepared and push myself more out of my comfort zone. Its ok to be scared but keep going, you only have one life to live and so many people need your help in the world of personal finance.
Next year FinCon 2020 is Long Beach, California. Get Ready!!
My new friends are
Melissa of The Fru Girl
Ellie and Ashinzay of Debt Free and Fitness
Bernadette of Crush your Debt
Monica of Purse Strings
Tiffany of 7412 Financial
Irande of FirstGenRise
Jamila of Journey to Launch
Randiesa of ICare Connect Healthcare, Inc
Alisha of BlackFIblack
Kimberly Page an aspiring podcaster
Stephanie of Financial Freedom Crew
Deanna of Recovery Women’s Wealth
Ashley of Debt Free DMV
Nancy of Clarus Money Coaching
Holly of The Master Playbook
Vicki and Amy of Women Who Money
Nadia of Speaking of Cents
DeShena of ExtravagantlyBroke
Alanna of Financialdemics
LaShaun of Divas R Frugal
Patrina of It’s My Money
Tia of Financially Fit and Fab
Danielle of The Thought Card
Lynn of Nurse Number
Marina of Marina Field
Nicole of Frugal Chic Life
Whitney of Tried and True Mom Jobs
Melody of Her Designed Life
Andre of Andre Waldron
Lawerence of Long Run Consultants
Q of Coins Add Up
Beth of Beth Braverman
It was so great to meet you & spend some time together. I would say you accomplished a lot! Keep at it and let’s stay in touch 🙂