Budgeting by PayCheck:

There are so many methods you can use to do your budget. You can do it by needs vs wants, zero-based budget, monthly budget, 50/30/20 budget, paycheck budget, and many more. Also, you can combine methods. I use a zero-based budget and paycheck budget. With so many different budgeting methods make sure you use what […] Read more…

Christmas Savings in 7 to 11 weeks

As of October 7, 2024, Christmas is about 11 weeks away. You may be worried that you didn’t save enough to buy gifts and enjoy the holiday’s festivities. Don’t worry; you can build a holiday savings plan with some planning.   How to Plan Your Christmas Gift Budget First, list everyone you want to buy […] Read more…

Advantages of Zero Based Budgeting

Zero-based budgeting is one of many budgeting styles you can try. I used it with the combination of paycheck budgeting. This budgeting style can help you pay off debt, save money, and achieve your financial goals. Remember to use the budgeting style that you can stick with, and that works best for you. Personal finance […] Read more…

Spring Clean your Finances

Spring is here and time is flying by. It is a good time to clean up your finances and plan towards your goals from the beginning of the year. Here are some tips to get ahead on spring cleaning your finances: 1. Review your goals. Spring is the perfect time to revisit your financial goals […] Read more…

Sinking Funds

January is over but it is a good time to review your bank accounts and decide what you want to save for in 2024. It’s not too late to start saving. You are not behind. But you have to start planning now so you can accomplish your goals. Sinking funds are a great way to […] Read more…

Saving Trackers

So, you have a goal you want to save for. Saving trackers will help you with the habit of saving. Saving money is not always easy. You are saying no to using credit cards and instant gratification. Saving is a habit you must get used to doing. You have to wait for the item that […] Read more…

3 tips that help me pay my car off early

On January 14, 2022, I called to get my car loan pay-off amount and submitted my last payment. I paid off my car a year and a half early. Saving a lot of money on interest. It feels great to free up a $369 payment every month.  3 tips that helped me pay off my […] Read more…

Christmas is 4 months away

The holiday season is around the corner. Christmas is actually 4 months away. Depending on where you are, summer is coming to an end and pumpkin season is here. Soon we’ll be sipping on hot chocolate and celebrating with the family around the Christmas tree. Are you thinking, I have not saved anything for Christmas. […] Read more…

Debt payoff updates as of August 2021

It’s been a while since I have updated you on my debt-free journey. I started 2021 with $30,204.06 of debt, not including the mortgage. The breakdown of my debt is a car balance of $9,483.85 and my student loans were $20,720.21. My debt payoff has been slow and steady this year. My goal for this […] Read more…

Investing in my Health

I made a decision to make a big purchase towards my health. With the pandemic, I stopped going to the gym and wasn’t motivated to work out at home. I was going walking but not consistently.  It got harder in the fall to go walking because it started getting dark early and cold in Connecticut. […] Read more…

My End of Year Numbers for 2020.

My goal for 2020 was to pay off my car but that went out the window when we went into lockdown in March because of the virus. I shifted and decided to put most of my extra money into my savings account to have more money in my emergency fund. I had about $4000 in […] Read more…

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