On January 14, 2022, I called to get my car loan pay-off amount and submitted my last payment. I paid off my car a year and a half early. Saving a lot of money on interest. It feels great to free up a $369 payment every month. 

3 tips that helped me pay off my car early are:

  1. Budget– My budget shows me what is coming and what has to go out. The budget show me I had extra money that I can apply to my car loan. 
  1. Cancel subscriptions– I canceled all memberships and subscriptions I wasn’t using so I can apply the extra cash to my car loan.
  1. Side Hustle– I work part-time after work as a virtual assistant. Using the skills that I utilized at my full-time job helped me make extra money on the side. All the money I made from my side hustle I put on my car loan.

What tips do you have to pay off debt faster?

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