
Planning my sinking fund and money goals for 2021

Take time to plan your money goals and your sinking funds so you can be prepared for the year. You don’t want any bills sneaking up on you. Planning your bills and gifts will take away some stress especially if you know about it. Christmas is the same date every year so prepare for it […] Read more…

Pivoting my money goals

My money goal for 2020 was to pay off most of my car.  The balance in the beginning of 2020, was about $15,500. I was making my minimum payments and an extra $1,000 on top of that. I used a pay off calculator if I kept up with the payments, it should be paid off […] Read more…

End of the Year Money Check list

Take control of your finances before the new year start. Its ok that you didn’t get to save as much as you wanted in 2019. Let not focus on the past but prepare ourselves for the future. Here at some tips and stuff you should review before 2020 starts. Write down your money goals for […] Read more…

Money is a necessity in Life

We need money for everything in life. You need money from basic necessities to vacations, homes and cars. As we age it seems you need more of it because costs go up especially for Medicare costs. Did you know budgeting will help you have enough money for all aspects of life? Have you ever woke […] Read more…