
Rewire your Mindset for financial success

Everything flows from your thoughts and the way you speak about money. Your thoughts become words, your words become actions, and your actions shape your reality. You attract what you think. We become what we believe. You must speak life into yourself. Have you ever thought, “I’ll never be good with money” or “I am […] Read more…

8 Ways to save this Holiday season

The holidays are approaching fast! If you completed your Christmas Saving Challenge, it’s time to make that money stretch for fun and gifts. But even if you haven’t saved enough, there are plenty of ways to give heartfelt gifts without breaking the bank. Here are some tips to help you navigate your holiday shopping. 1. […] Read more…

Christmas Savings in 7 to 11 weeks

As of October 7, 2024, Christmas is about 11 weeks away. You may be worried that you didn’t save enough to buy gifts and enjoy the holiday’s festivities. Don’t worry; you can build a holiday savings plan with some planning.   How to Plan Your Christmas Gift Budget First, list everyone you want to buy […] Read more…

Advantages of Zero Based Budgeting

Zero-based budgeting is one of many budgeting styles you can try. I used it with the combination of paycheck budgeting. This budgeting style can help you pay off debt, save money, and achieve your financial goals. Remember to use the budgeting style that you can stick with, and that works best for you. Personal finance […] Read more…